"Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before You" (Ps 89:14 ESV).
When we look at the headlines, it’s easy to shift our anger and frustration toward the troublemakers—be they politicians, corporations, or others—and fail to recognize our own role in the problem. Because of the fall, we are all sinners, capable of extremism, hypocrisy, and selfishness. We may desire justice for those who perpetrate evil, but we must remember that we too stand in need of grace.
Embracing grace doesn't mean we shouldn't stand against evil. In fact, the Bible calls us to do both. However, we must keep our focus on the true enemies: sin, brokenness, and the systems of this world that oppose GODS ways. Thank GOD for His mercy!
Jesus is coming back, and when He does, He will make all things right—because He is truly righteous and just. Only when we align our perspective with His—recognizing the brokenness of the world while holding onto the hope of redemption—can we properly engage in the fight against injustice. Rather than adopting an "us vs. them" mentality, we should embrace the complexity of our shared humanity and represent the GOD who gave Himself on the Cross for all.
Ultimately, we are all made from dust and will return to dust. This truth reminds us that we will all stand before GOD and give an account for the pain and suffering present in our world. Yet, as for me and my family, we will bless the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, who will soon vindicate His own. Amen. GOD bless.
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