I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of Yeshua in the Land of the living. Psalm 27:13
Sometimes people hear a gospel preached that goes something like this: "If you receive Jesus, you'll be saved from your sins, and when you die, you'll go to heaven." So, people go to the altar, repeat a prayer someone told them to say, and leave after being told their sins are forgiven. Then they pretty much think all there is for the rest of their Christian life is to study the Bible and wait to die go to heaven. But in today's verse, David says he would have despaired if he hadn't believed he would see the Lord right now while he was still in the land of the living. David expected to experience God's presence in his lifetime.
He believes he could see God's beauty, power, love, compassion, and glory on this side of eternity. David said, in essence, "if I didn't believe that I would have no reason for living. I'd be in despair just to wake up every day." David's passion was God Himself. He also said, "One thing do I seek to be in Your temple all the days of thy life and experience Your beauty" (See Psalm 27:4). So, my prayer, brethren, is that you and I will understand as David did; that we can experience God together today, because Hashem is not only our God forever after; He's the God of the Now. GOD bless.
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