Revelation 11:15 NKJ - “Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, 'The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!'”
All nations of the world, including our country, have voted in leaders to govern and guide us. These leaders come and go, and with time, their positions change, for no human leader remains in power forever. We see leaders rise and fall with the tides of history, and yet, in the midst of all this change, there is one constant: Christ Jesus, the Anointed King, who reigns from His throne forever. He is unshaken by the whims of politics or the chaos of the world. His rule is eternal and unchallenged.
While earthly rulers may bring hope or cause concern, the reign of Christ brings perfect peace and justice. His authority is not temporary or limited to the borders of nations—it spans the entire universe. No matter how uncertain or troubled the world may seem, we can find comfort in knowing that the eternal King holds all things in His hands. His plans will never fail, His promises will never be broken, and His Kingdom will never end.
As we navigate the changing tides of leadership on Earth, let us always remember that our ultimate allegiance is to the King of Kings, who governs in righteousness. The transient power of earthly rulers may pass away, but His reign is everlasting. Let this truth inspire hope and steadfast faith in us, for we belong to a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, and the victory of our King is already assured. GOD bless. Share with your family and friends.
