Psalm 19:14 NKJ - 14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.
More often than not, we forget our LORD and Redeemer due to business. In our business, our minds are occupied by work, deadlines, payments, careers, housing, cars, education, and traditions. When our mind is full of worldly worry, there ends up being no room to glorify God. We will notice that this is the case when observing the words we speak. How often do you speak about earthly things in comparison to Godly things? Do we only profess the name of Jesus when we go to church or Bible study? The words we speak tend to reflect what our minds are overflowing with.
Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." The "heart" is a term used to reflect the inner most thoughts of a person. If your thinking is corrupt, then your speech will also be corrupt. If your thinking is perverted, them your speech will also be perverted.
To avoid being controlled by sin and evil, we must seek His presence daily, to the point that it becomes our dwelling place. When we dwell outside of the presence of God, we become easy targets for Satan and his demons. When our mind is fixed on worshipping God in all that we do, it leaves no room for the devil to lay his traps. When our thinking is filled with thoughts of worshipping God, our lips cannot help but profess worship to God. When it comes to worshipping God, let our thoughts and words be in agreement to the glory of God forever! GOD bless.
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